The use of laser (light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation) therapy is an essential part of dentistry. Technological laser advancement assists a dental practitioner to perform versatile dental surgery.
In fact, laser innovation enables dentists to perform new seamless dental procedures. It also aids them in improving the time and efficiency of their previous practice.
Thus, the alteration of dental tissues via laser helps to maintain the oral health of a patient. It also advances the everyday practice of an orthodontist and makes them learn more and perform better.
This article discusses the innovative technique of laser in the field of dentistry. It outlines the multiple applications and benefits of this technique for dental surgeons.
Let us have a look.
Different Kinds of Laser Dentistry
Laser dentistry is of two kinds:
Soft tissue laser dental technique to observe the oral soft tissues, such as gums, of patients in distress. It aids in the removal of these soft tissues via laser procedures.
Usually suitable for removing gum linings and severe gum infections, dentists perform surgery with professional efficiency.
In fact, one can also opt for this surgery for gum modification for aesthetic purposes.
This dental technique removes the hardcore components of the oral cavity. For instance, dentists use it to remove tooth decay and perform root canal treatments to banish infected tooth shells.
Types of Lasers used in dental treatment
Here are a few types of dental lasers which dentists often use:
Argon Lasers
Erbium Lasers
Carbon Dioxide Lasers
Diode and Nd: YAG
Laser Technique in Dentistry
The laser works through a technologically equipped instrument with a crisp and high definition light facility known as a laser beam. This high radiation beam passes through the selected anatomical structure and maintains a focal point of emphasis.
Additionally, the beam releases a potential reaction in the dental tissues as soon as it falls upon this. This reaction is pertinent in treating orthodontic problems via laser therapy.
It does so in the form of removing or reshaping the original dental structures.
Effectiveness of Laser Technique in Dentistry
The laser technique is an effective and widely employed oral treatment technique in the dental industry.
Orthodontic practitioners try their best to make this technique efficient, far-reachable, and cost-effective for the entire population. In fact, the Indian Dental Association recommends dentists to make maximum use of this advanced technique and benefits dental patients in distress.
Uses and Applications of Laser in Dentistry
Laser dentistry facilitates the treatment of multiple procures for diagnosing oral problems. Each of the techniques furnishes a unique and comfortable solution for the patient’s malfunctioned cavity and relieves them from pain.
Here is an extensive outline of numerous laser procedures and techniques for curing dental ailments:
Tooth Sensitivity
Laser treatment provides sophisticated solutions for curing tooth sensitivity. It solves the problem of hot and cold sensations within the teeth anatomy and let individuals enjoy their favorite delicacies.
Detection of Oral Cavities
Next, the least procedures find applications in identifying the presence of oral cavities. Laser technology aids in overcoming the problem of tooth decay and maintains the health dynamics of your teeth.
Dental Fillings
Physicians employ laser procedures for dental fillings. In fact, this improvisation ends the use of traditional drills and local anesthesia for filling decayed cavities.
Crown Installation
Laser technology is also used in reshaping the tooth and gum tissues by increasing the length of the oral crown.
Curing the Problem of “Gummy Smile”
“Gummy Smile” denotes the extension of an oral cavity when gums and not the teeth occupy the maximum space of dental anatomy. A beam of laser ray can treat this issue of the gum cavity and retain the beauty of your smile.
Removal of Soft Tissue Overlapping
Further in the row, laser radiation finds utility in removing soft tissue folds from malfunctioning dentures. In fact, orthodontists perform this painless surgery maintaining the comfort level of their patients.
Curing Tongue Frenulum Attachment
It is a tight and inflexible frenulum underneath the tongue region which does not align aptly with the oral cavity. This issue may even cause speech obstruction or difficulty in breastfeeding.
An appropriate laser treatment rids one-off from the tongue frenulum issue and helps you overcome this medical menace.
In addition to the above, other relevant laser techniques are as follows:
Cure for obstructive sleep apnea
Nerve regeneration
Retaining tooth glitter and shine
Treating cold sores in and around the dental structures
Treatment for Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Removing of irritating and uncomfortable orthodontic tumors
Benefits of Laser Treatment in Dentistry
Some of the pivotal benefits of laser treatment in dental practice are mentioned below:
Pain reduction: Laser radiation curtails pain of drilling appliances and anesthesia injections.
Lowering the chances of infection: Laser therapy sterilizes its area of contact which eventually decreases the spread of infectious diseases.
Anxiety minimization: laser treatment lowers down anxiety levels by making the patient comfortable during dental surgery.
Prevents oral bleeding and inflammation: Laser radiations are highly focused and concentrated rays that target their area of diagnosis. The dentists can regulate the intensity of radiation beams and cause less bleeding and gum swelling.
Summing Up
Dental lasers are a boon to dentistry in India. Most of the orthodontic experts today use the laser technique for diagnosing and treating their patients.
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