The medical world is a mosaic of multiple surgical tools and instruments. Each of their inventions stands pertinent to the patients suffering from varying ailments. In other words, the different instruments brought forth by the medical industry have proved as a boon for the contemporary era.
In this case, both CPAP machines and oxygen concentrators have eased down the medical discomforts of patients worldwide. Their proper utility is paramount to the physicians who recommend these medical devices to their patients.
This article discusses the major differences between CPAP machines and oxygen concentrators. It delves into significant questions pertaining to the definition of CPAP machines and oxygen concentrators, the dichotomy between the two equipment followed by their features and uses.
What is a CPAP Machine?
A CPAP machine denotes a therapeutic medical device to compress the external air pressure in order to facilitate adequate air and enhance the breathing system of a person while sleeping.
CPAP machine is an excellent tool to deal with the issue of sleep apnea, which refers to a chronic breathing ailment while sleeping.
Snoring, daytime drowsiness, sore throat, and dry mouth are some of the primary symptoms of sleep apnea. CPAP and BiPAP machines help in treating these issues by directing suitable air pressure to your throat and prevent it from obstructing or collapsing.
In fact, BiPAP machines help in improving the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during the inhaling and exhaling process. Enabled with a time control panel, a BiPAP machine optimizes the amount of air pressure reaching your throat. And after achieving the required threshold, it automatically moves back to normal.
What is an Oxygen Concentrator?
An oxygen concentrator refers to a standalone and noninvasive nitrogen filtering device. Its purpose is to expel the concentrated nitrogen-free oxygen. The atmosphere comprises 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen.
An oxygen concentrator extracts the maximum amount of oxygen (21 %) available in the ambient air and delivers it to the patient.
Individuals suffering from breathing disruptions inhale oxygen via an oxygen mask or a nasal cannula to peak up the amount of oxygen in their lungs. As per requirements, this medical device furnishes concentrated oxygen in the form of continuous flow (more oxygen) or as pulse-dose flow (intermittent or less oxygen).
The physician may conduct several tests pertaining to your breathing and lung issues and they may prescribe you to use a suitable oxygen concentrator. The doctor will determine the baseline of oxygen in your blood and advise you accordingly. He/she may conduct the following tests before suggesting you a preferable oxygen concentrator:
Chest x-ray
Pulse-oximetry stress test
Arterial blood test
Pulmonary function test
What is the difference between a CPAP Machine and an Oxygen Concentrator?
There are two key differences between a CPAP machine and an oxygen concentrator. These differences are:
The quantity of pressure floating through the air and available via CPAP tubing
The amount of oxygen concentration in the air
Both these differences account for the different operative methodologies which these two instruments utilize. A CPAP machine compresses the air pressure to clear the pathway for inhaling and exhaling. However, it does not increase the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.
On the other hand, an oxygen concentrator eliminates nitrogen components and aids the patient in breathing pure oxygen.
In fact, an oxygen concentrator has the ability to hike the level of concentrated oxygen by 87-100%.
In simple terms, both the medical devices operate on similar grounds and that is to facilitate proper breathing. The difference lies in their working dynamics premised on air pressure and oxygen concentration.
Can a Patient Use both the Devices Simultaneously?
Many patients have this question in mind, which is the simultaneous usage of both these medical instruments.
Yes, you can use these devices together, but only under certain conditions which include the strict guidelines issued by your physician.
You can use these instruments simultaneously in case of:
Lung problems such as pulmonary edema or COPD or OSA
Obstructive sleep apnea
How both the Devices Work Together under Necessary Conditions?
In case a patient is suffering from obstructive sleep apnea and lung issues like pulmonary edema, he/she can use both CPAP machines and oxygen concentrators simultaneously.
For beneficial usage, the patient needs to increase the concentration of oxygen in addition to a device which caters to the generation of a suitable pressure for throat expansion.
The simultaneous usage of a CPAP machine (for ushering throat expansion through adequate pressure) and an oxygen concentrator (to filtrate pure oxygen by eliminating nitrogen) stands advantageous.
How and from Where to Purchase CPAP Machines and Oxygen Concentrators?
If you are suffering from sleep disorders and lung problems, you can place your order at ZEPNURhealth private limited is an all-purpose solution to your medical and healthcare needs.
Our company furnishes and timely deliver top-notch medical and health care instruments at affordable and unbeatable prices in India. Browse our web pages to know more about CPAP and oxygen concentrator instruments.
Altogether, CPAP machines and oxygen concentrators feature as an outstanding solution for treating lung disorders and obstructive sleep apnea. With this medical equipment, you can sleep peacefully throughout the night.
ZEPNURhealth promises to provide you the best medical procurement services in the Indian markets. Log in to for further details and information on different medical and healthcare instruments.