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Innovative and Cost Effective Medical Devices that comes real handy in Clinical Practice

Innovative healthcare is what makes state-of-art clinical care or medical monitoring possible to alleviate the sufferings of the ailed. The technology aided procedures and new more-effective medicine designs are much praised for their contribution in redefining health care worldwide; however, there’s a considerable part of the cost-effective smart medical devices often dubbed as small-wonder clinical devices in the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis process. The role of a hi-tech EMR enabled medical delivery cart or a portable thermocoagulator might just look trivial at a glance but everyday application of these handy medical devices in shaping advanced health care is unmatched and irreplaceable.

Here’s a curated list of technology empowered compact and portable yet essential medical devices for innovative clinical aid that might be a good head-up for your health care planning

1. Passive Vaccine Storage Device: ARKTEK

Vaccines are a life-saver, not just as a therapeutic regime but also as a preventive measure to several pathophysiologies… a real breakthrough in science and clinical treatment. The Arktek Vaccine Storage Device is the ultimate item that restores the efficacy as well as amplifies the reach of vaccines; super-insulated protective and light-weight WHO-Pre-PQS quality assurance container that enables you temperature regulation within 0°-10°C for up to 35 days. Rigged with temperature sensors, it’s serving as a handy medical device in shaping advanced health care and to outspread the bliss of competent medical care.

1. IVNOW Fluid Warming Pod: CME

This innovative and wheel-around device is designed to warm Intra-Venous as a constant process for in-line patient administration, fluids preventing hypothermia. Some of its desirable features include least electric consumption to operate; in spite of being a single unit it operates individually for each of its racks. Besides the automatic heating and regulation of thermostat on detecting fluid bag in its cradle shaped shelves, the digital display show the accurate temperature of the fluid bags and the high-sensitivity helps indicate fluctuation of just a fraction of a degree. IVNOW is an example of how innovation can optimise the resourcefulness of medical necessities – with need for minimal manual handling it’s a cost-effective smart medical device for eco-friendly enthermics medical system.

1. Thermocoagulator: CURE MEDICAL

Available in all 3 types, the Cure Medical made rechargeable battery powered Thermocoagulator is improving women health in developing nations; it’s an ideal medical device for innovative clinical aid to perform ablation inside a body cavity or damaged epithelial layer, especially effective to irradicate cervical cancer right after early detection. The FDA 510(k) complied is a safety sleek design with autoclavable 16mm and 19mm probes facilitates both non-abrasive smooth insertion and on-point heat-induced carcinoma cell destruction very conveniently by any abled OBGYN. The probes come in the form of attachments to improve specificity, elevates to the operating temperature (1000C) in just 5-8 seconds along with inbuilt automated timer paired to audio-visual information and instruction output system – durable, dependable and cost-effective smart medical device.

4. Portable Cardio-Vascular Function Monitoring tool: CARD(X)PLORE

The increased importance of constant health monitoring even outside the usual clinical practice is what redefines personal health care. The incidences of cardiac diseases are affecting middle-age population at an alarming rate, often proving fatal with an instant onset that can best be controlled with early detection. CardXplore designed the very innovative and ambulatory 24 hour blood pressure monitor along with additional 3-channel ECG and highly-sensitive 2-axis motion graph - the super portable non-invasive user-friendly cardio-protective device you can carry along all the time to keep a watch on hypertension or arrhythmia or any cardio function irregularities are sure to beat-down the risk of emergency cardiac insufficiency conditions substantially.

There’s more to this medical device for innovative clinical aid: the Holter software for ECG guarantees QRS detection with 99.9% accuracy while the USB optical interface and SDcard slot can store up to 51 hrs. of constant monitoring data and enables easy extraction of the data from the device for reporting and diagnostic analysis.

1. Compact Insulin Carrier: PRONGO

Undoubtedly among the handy medical devices in shaping advanced health care, this item is very useful equally for clinical aid as well as personal health care; engineered using Phase Change Materials (PCM) Technology to maintain two different temperatures at once providing safe storage temperature setting for insulin vials and injecting-pens separately within the same carry-on pouch at for up to 10 hours. The compact design in sturdy make with extra protection for being waterproof, leak-proof and dirt-proof, this PronGO marvel though branded as insulin carrier is appropriate to store or transport blood, urine any and all diagnostic product samples that need specific storage temperatures that can be squeezed in either of the range 2o-8o C or 15o-25o C.

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The Thermocoagulator from Cure Medical is a device designed to treat early-stage cervical cancer by treating the pre-cancerous lesion tissue in humans. The design for the Thermocaogulator unit is according to the World Health Organization’s guidelines and recommendations for cervical cancer treatment. The unit uses the Thermocoagulation method that acts as an alternative to Cryotherapy in the direction and treatment of Cervical Cancer.

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