Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women. Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of related mortality in women worldwide. It is the most common form of cancer among Indian women. This type of cancer starts from the cervix.
Cervical cancer is preventable specifically in highly developed areas. It has become very important to create awareness about the possible hazards of cervical cancer among rural women as they are the ones who are the victims of undiagnosed cervical cancer. They should be made aware of the fact that cervical cancer can be treated with the early detection of it.
There are several risk factors involved with Cervical Cancer with Human Papillomavirus infection being the major one. Other risk factors are exposure to certain life-threatening drugs, using oral contraceptives for a long time, etc.
Several techniques like Cryotherapy, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy have been used to solve the problem of this life-threatening disease but one of the most used and easy-going methods is Thermocoagulation. Thermocoagulation acts as an alternative treatment process in a screen-and-test program of cervical examination. The procedure is used to conduct monopolar electrosurgical energy from a surgical generator to target tissue. This technique is adopted as an alternative to cryotherapy in the detection & treatment of cervical cancer.
CureMedical a US-based company has designed a Thermocoagulator device to treat early-stage cervical cancer by treating the pre-cancerous lesion tissue in humans. The unit is designed based on the World Health Organization’s guidelines and recommendations for fighting the growing epidemic of cervical cancer. ZEPNURhealth brings this innovative product to the Indian medical industry.
Fig: CureMedical Thermocoagulator Device
The Thermocoagulator probe tip contains a heating element that is heated to 100°C for the destruction of human tissue. The probe tip should only be applied to tissue which is intended to be ablated. The TC probe shaft is not intended to deliver heat. The probe shaft and sidewall tip has a maximum temperature of 43°C. Contact with the probe shaft should be avoided during the procedure.
Thermocoagulator is a reusable device that can be handheld and is used to treat human tissue lesions using the technique of thermocoagulation once detected.
The reason why this device is preferred over any other technique for cervical-cancer treatment is associated with various benefits attached to it.
Thermocoagulator is found to be extremely cheap and cost-effective technology to treat cervical cancer. This is an affordable option to treat this form of cancer which could even lead to death if left untreated. Many efforts have been made in the market to develop low-cost Thermocoagulator devices for the early detection, prevention, and treatment of cervical cancer.
2. Mobile
The CureMedical device is easy moving and hand-held. It can be easily carried to distant locations for examining and treating pre-cancerous cervical lesions.
3. Less use of electricity
Newly developed devices run on battery hence eliminating the need for electricity. These devices have a heating element attached in order to eliminate lesions before they can develop into cancerous cells.
4. Simple and Painless
When compared to the traditional method of treatment, the thermocoagulator is less painful. It causes only a slight discomfort hence pain is tolerable. Anaesthesia administration is not required for this procedure.
5. No or minimal adverse reaction
When it comes to the treatment and diagnostic procedure for any specific disease usually the process involves serious side-effects. But this procedure has proven results and has not recorded any side-effects.
So the bottom line comes down to the fact that with new and modern technology, cervical cancer can be treated. Early detection and hence treatment is possible with the Thermocoagulator device. This technique gives women a number of benefits with proven records of treatment. However, the response to treatment differs and depends on the cancer-stage and patient’s health condition.
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